Wednesday 13 January 2010

This is my first blog - i've caught up with the latest technology.

Its been snowing on and off for two weeks. The weather people said we would have snow over the weekend and we didn't. I was hoping for fresh snow yesterday but we had none (boo hoo) but its been snowing since about 5.30 am. It goes from thick flakes to small drizzly snow.

I will have to make the most of this as it will by my last snow before moving ... The exact date is still up in the air a bit as it all depends on when Odin (dogly) my lovely but naughty labrador (who was 6 on 6 January) get his rabies blood test results which can take up to four weeks. I am counting the days but it looks like it will be early/mid March. In the words of the Pointer Sisters "I'm so excited!"