Sunday, 5 June 2011

It appears that I have a nickname ...

I think I have become known as the strange/mad cat women by my neighbours and the local boat boys. The reason I think this is because I am often asked how my biss (cat) is.

I can trace this back to when Willow one of my newer furbabies was spayed at the beginning of March. She managed to chew the glue that was holding her scar together and open the wound. I panicked. The following day was a Friday and technically the vets were only open for emergencies. Well I tried putting a dressing on the wound – she didn’t like that; then a bandage which again she didn’t like. Now covered with scratches I called the vet who said she would meet me at ACE (the vets) at 8am the following morning. She was cleaned and re-glued. She was given a collar but she managed to get it off! 1. Suffice it to say that she took that out on the Saturday evening so I was again at ACE on Sunday and Willow finally got stitches which stayed in for about a week! Again she managed to get the collar off. Luckily the scar was healed enough for me not to have to rush to ACE again.

The next incident involved CC. She had badly injured her paw. My visit to ACE this time was delayed as I had found a tiny kitten that I rushed to ACE to see if it was worth working with. Well it was but unfortunately died the following week. So that Thursday I took CC to ACE and her wound was cleaned and dressed. I returned again on the Monday more cleaning and dressing; and then again on the Wednesday more cleaning and dressing however it took her ages to come out of the anaesthetic and she managed to get her bandage off, for two times she was still out enough for me to get the bandage on again but on the final attempt of reapplication she scratched and bit me in the process.

We Europeans love our pets and take them to the vets when needed. This is not the case with Egyptians not least because they often do not have the money to do so and its not really in their culture.  Therefore they think it strange that Europeans do this, hence me being labelled the mad cat woman!
This image has been compounded by what has happened this week.

I have been looking after my neighbour’s dog and their cats. I have been walking the dog in the morning and on Thursday my little Willow followed me all the way to the football field, making no end of noise about it! She was scared because it was new ground for her. Well again today I was followed but this time by Ambrose. He even followed me for one circuit around the football field! Like his sister he was very vocal, telling everyone within hearing distance about his adventure. Good job there were not many people out and about and on the football pitch that time in the morning.

Then this afternoon I was followed by one of the neighbour’s cats and three of mine as I took the dog for her afternoon constitutional.  It must have been a sight!!!  I'm just sorry I couldn't take a picture of it!

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